return | 1987 - 2007

Using walking as the primary medium, a series of explorations investigating the fluid boundaries between the past and the present, sited around Banff and the area’s natural environs during the "Walking and Art" residency at the Banff Centre, 17 September through 03 November 2007.                   . . . for Ingrid Muan (1964-2005)

Saturday, October 6, 2007

slow walk among the paint pots

i wake up at Tinka's to the sound of the phone - hello, this is your wake up call. a rush to the room and go figure, housekeeping is there. in mad dash i do manage to dress in lyers and pull the day pack toghther just minutes, however i do not find my party and know they have driven north without me. i climb the stairs slowly and visit Jen * Jen, who are in their studio working on "Scale a Mountain". their iive collaborative performance today.

at 10:30 i return to Tinka's hallway and we head out to the Paint Pots over in BC>.

Friday, October 5, 2007

here (heart) now

i phone Damion for his birthday. we don't talk long: he has gear to move and i am in need of dinner. how is your art in Canada? happy in a beautiful place. the pinecones fire away in the raku kiln. i am warmed in the night.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

walking in hours

i am walking in hours. waiting for the last coat to dry, ready to dip a final time at 12:45 am. these past days have been ruled by the coats, the dips, the dry time. i have enjoyed all the things that happen in between. poeple go and visit the pinecones. and i know that the time ihave pent with these pinecone sculptures has changed me too - i see they have come live, and become a whole living system somehow. the hearts, the arteries, the thicker TIGER coverings now in the final phases masking the core. like a body. and then, tomorrow, they are cremated, fired, lost and gone. the shell remains. it is a process i can relate to, i find discovery and solitude, wonderment and appreciation too. these pinecones have come alive over the past days, as objects, as conversations, as actions, as time and as thought. i love all the stories of what has happened around the pinecones.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

slow dunk

i woke up late today, the room dark with curtains drawn shut. i have, in fact, slept all morning. to make up for missing the group walk today, i plan my activity of yoga this evening and pack my mat to bring to the studio. today i have to keep at my layers, with seven more thin and a few thick to complete by tomorrow night. i will stick near the sculpture shop.

at lunch, Jen and Jen and Chris and Will crack me up. Satellite Bureau is working on a new project, which they brainstorm at the table. i take photos and listen intently. amazingly enough, there are chicken sandwiches on offer at lunch. i am pleased. i miss sandwiches, as i was just telling Jen last night. is that a sandwich you've just made up yourself, she asks me at the table. no, they actually made sandwiches today, how bout that! desert includes a maple ice cream, yum.

back at the studio, i make a pass through the dunk room. some of my wax air vents have come loose from the pinecones, hovering near but definitely not connected. i am saddened, they look sad to me these detached "arteries". the coats take longer than hoped to dry today so it is going slow. i will be here all night again, i know.

we do get to pick up our paper today, it is dry! Jen and I are quite thrilled with our accomplishments. we have made paper!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

papermaking workshop

Wendy has a workshop for us this afternoon in the papermaking studio & we try our hand at papermaking. wear pants and shoes that can get wet, and short sleeves she says. i manage not to get wet but see the need for her knee high rubber boots and rubber smock.

many of us attend, and there is a party-like atmosphere among the group down in the studio. perhaps it is the wonderment of tilting pulp in a frame and then pulling ("cooching") the pulp from the frame onto large wet felt in a quick, smooth body-rocking movement.

yes, we are making paper!

double or nothing

Monday, October 1, 2007

pinecone mold making

morning walk: Hoodoo Trail


WEEK THREE: One day I walk on flowers, one day I walk on stone. Today I walk in hours. Listen to lots of Bruce Cockburn songs. Travel beyond the immediate area. Ask fellow participants to join along. Overnight hikes (if possible).

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Healy Pass Walk